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Terms of Service

Vastspace Pte. Ltd.’s primary objective is to value and support our subscribers wherever, whenever and however possible. Our management and staff will provide our subscribers the highest level of attention and dedication.

In pursuit of our primary objective, Vastspace agrees to deliver the agreed upon services, as declared in the “New Account” confirmation, to our customers at the time of purchase, subject to the following Terms of Service (hereafter referred to as TOS).

In addition, a subscriber’s use of Vastspace’s service(s) constitutes an unconditional acceptance of and agreement to Vastspace’s TOS and is incorporated herein by reference. Vastspace reserves the right to change or modify the TOS without notice by posting the new agreement or policies. These modifications will become effective immediately. Your continued use of the site and/or services indicates your agreement with our terms; therefore, your responsibility is to review the TOS regularly.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Vastspace offers its subscribers a “30-Day Money Back Guarantee.” This guarantee allows the subscriber to purchase Vastspace’s services with full confidence and zero risk. Consequently, the subscriber may request a subscription fee refund within 30 days of initial sign-up and be refunded fees paid to date, excluding setup fees and less additional over-usage and free domain registration costs (see section I.D below). Terminated accounts are not eligible for this guarantee if the termination occurred due to a violation of this TOS.

This guarantee can be requested at any time within 30 days of the commencement of service if the subscriber is not satisfied with Vastspace’s services. If the 30-day service of the subscription has been exceeded, the subscriber is not eligible for this guarantee. A request for this guarantee must be submitted via email as a request at

If the subscriber requests a refund, we ask that they briefly explain their reasons for doing so and provide any suggestions on how Vastspace could improve service.

Backups and data files
The subscriber takes or has sole discretion over backing up their data and files using whichever method the subscriber prefers. If the subscriber has not subscribed to a backup service and, in the event, for example, a hard drive failure or data or files cannot be recovered from the standard operation, method, or natural disasters, Vastspace is not responsible for data and file losses.

Email Deliveries
Vastspace puts the best effort into functionality and working email servers or services. However, we cannot guarantee email deliveries have involved 3rd parties or beyond  Vastspace’s networks. The events have included receiving parties’ email server rejection, blockage, blacklist or any form of Disallowed Email Delivery; senders will seek assistance from the recipients in these circumstances.

Domain Registrations
Vastspace utilizes an industry-standard third-party Registrar for domain name registration services. Once an order is placed for a new domain name through Vastspace, we register the domain for the customer through the Registrar. Domains registered in this manner are not eligible for a refund, and the cost for such domains will be subtracted from any service refund from Vastspace. New and renewed domains cannot be cancelled, and you receive a full refund after placing an order. If you cancel your Vastspace service, you will retain ownership of your domain name for as long as you continue to renew the domain. You may renew the domain through Vastspace. Domain names are only registered for a finite period.

Upon becoming a domain customer of Vastspace, you will receive reminders immediately before the expiration of your registration, inviting you to renew your domain name and specifying the amount of time you have to renew your domain name. Suppose you fail to renew your domain name promptly within that time. In that case, your registration will expire, and we may, at our sole discretion, elect to assume the registration and hold it for our account, delete it, or sell it to a third party. You acknowledge and agree that your right and interest in a domain name ceases upon its expiration and that any expired domain name may be available for registration by a third party.

If you fail to renew your registration, your domain name may cease to resolve, and visitors to your site may be redirected to a default page that informs them that the site is no longer in service. This default page may also feature advertisements we post for our account.

If we, in our sole discretion, have elected to renew the registration, you will be entitled to a grace period of thirty (30) days, during which you may re-register the domain name from us. Additional costs for the redemption and re-registration will apply. During this grace period, we may elect to post a parked page and/or revise the “Whois” registration records to include our information. The domain name may also be listed for auction and promoted as available. If the name is sold during any such auction, it will be acquired by a third party and will not remain available for re-registration by you after our stated grace period. If you do not re-register the domain name during the grace period, the auction sale will be concluded, and domain ownership will be transferred to a third party. Suppose you fail to renew your domain name registration during the grace period. In that case, you acknowledge that you have abandoned the domain name and that it is available for sale and registration by any third party.

Renewal of Service
Upon expiry of the initial term, the subscription for the Service shall be automatically renewed for a further term on the same terms and conditions herein, unless Vastspace or the Customer gives written notice at least 14 days before the expiry of the current term that it does not intend to renew the subscription for the Service. The Customer will incur charges for 100% of each month’s fee for the remaining contract term if the Customer affects early termination of service.

Refund Procedure on Ancillary Products
Vastspace may occasionally offer customers the option to add services to their account and shall pass along the terms under which the product is sold or subscribed to its customers. For example, suppose the terms of sale include no refund on early termination. In that case, the customer shall receive no refund from either Vastspace or the product vendor in the event of an early termination by the customer.

Trial Hosting at Vastspace
For a limited time, Vastspace is offering new customers the opportunity to experience Vastspace services on a trial basis—free of charge—for seven days. After these 7 days, the free trial ends, and the customer can remain with Vastspace and select a hosting plan that meets his needs or terminate the hosting services completely.

If the customer chooses to remain with Vastspace, he can accomplish this in two ways:

  • The customer can do nothing, and the plan will automatically renew before the end of the free trial period or
  • The customer can affirmatively upgrade to a paid plan, indicate his acceptance, and agree to become a customer.

If the customer cancels the free trial period and does not become a paying customer of Vastspace, he can do so at any time. He can also reinstate it at any time before the free trial expiration date.

  • Cancellation will automatically occur if the customer violates the Terms of Service during the free trial period.
  • Cancellation will also automatically occur if the customer billing information is no longer valid at the end of the free trial period.

Use of Website

Prohibition of Adult Content: Vastspace’s service subscribers are prohibited from storing or posting adult content or links to adult content through the subscribed service. All material of a pornographic nature is considered adult content. Online image galleries whose primary purpose is the public display of fine art or artistic mediums are not considered adult content.

Prohibition of Protected Healthcare Information: Subscribers of Vastspace’s services are prohibited from creating, receiving, maintaining, transmitting and/or having access, custody or control of any Protected Healthcare Information as defined under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability of 1996 Act (“HIPAA”).

Prohibition of Offensive Behavior: Racist, intolerant, “hate”, defamatory, “stalking,” invitations to fight, threatening, or any communication of any nature that we decide, in our sole discretion, is improper will result in service termination without prior notice.

The terms and Conditions to use BasiQue anti-spam

  1. BasiQue is an effective anti-spam service that is free to use as an add-on service for a hosted email service or a server at Vastspace, such as an email service in the VPS.
  2. BasiQue anti-spam is renewable quarterly at no cost, and it is available.
  3. Inbound email filtering only.
  4. The final mail server destination must be within Vastspace’s network. Vastspace reserves the right to refuse to add your domain(s) to the anti-spam service at any time.
  5. Quarantined emails are links sent to users in a report at 9 am & 4 pm daily; you can deliver the quarantined emails and whitelist/backlist the senders simultaneously. You can ignore this message if you see it”You do not have,,,” and click OK to advance. No login will be provided to release quarantined emails or whitelist/blacklist the senders.
  6. Subscribers can request White or Blasklist senders by emailing a request to the helpdesk. The team will act within 24 hours. However, we reserve the right to decline or reject the request if, for example, the sender’s domain is listed in any DNSBL.
  7. Due to backscatters and high undeliverable bounce emails, the domain will be removed.
  8. Minimum tech support will be provided for this free service.
  9. One domain for all users is entitled to one organization. For more than one domain, please send your request to, and it is subject to approval.

No Mail VPS

A no-mail VPS is also known as a no-mail server VPS. By default, the VPS does not have mail service in the control panel or operating system. However, subscribers can choose to install their preferred mail service. Vastspace will not provide support or technical assistance on any email-related matters. Bulk sending is prohibited on these VPSs.

Age Requirements on Purchases
All subscribers must be of adult age in the subscribers’ jurisdiction to make purchases on this site. Parents or guardians of minors may make purchases on behalf of their minor children/wards but are solely responsible for the direct supervision of their children/wards. In contrast, their minors visit the site or use any of the tools or services that the site provides.

  1. Intellectual Property Provisions

Subscribers of Vastspace’s services are prohibited from storing or posting content or links to content that infringes or otherwise violates the intellectual property rights of third parties (e.g., trademark, patent, or copyright infringements).

All content provided within or via this site is protected by US and international copyright laws, patent laws, trademark regulations and laws, and various intellectual property laws and international treaties and agreements. No intellectual property of any nature contained within or via this Site may be copied, published, reverse-engineered, decompiled, exchanged, traded, or broadcast in any way without the written permission of the content owner.

Fair usage policy
Vastspace offers commercially reasonable high-limit or unlimited amounts of disk space and/or other resources, such as bandwidth transfer, number of email accounts or FTP accounts. File quota limits are enforced to ensure system operating integrity. Vastspace intends to provide ample resources for customer convenience so customers don’t have to worry about exceeding limits.

It is acknowledged by users of Vastspace services that these resource allotments are optimized and dedicated to serving web documents and self-need email / FTP services and are not to be used as an offsite storage area for electronic files or as a provisioning service for third-party email or FTP hosts. All downloadable files or files stored on the server must be available for download via an HTML document stored on the Internet in a publicly or privately accessible area. They must be directly related to the general nature of the website index. Illegal content such as pirated software, music or other media are strictly prohibited and are not allowed on Vastspace servers.

Users of Vastspace services also acknowledge that these resources are limited by physical restraints of technology and by reasonable limits of a shared resource environment. Users must realize that server technology limits the available resources for use, including but not limited to disk drive space, CPU processing power, memory and access speed. Vastspace provides services using the latest and most economically feasible mass server market technology. Furthermore, users of Vastspace services acknowledge that all provided services are shared-server and that other users share the provided space. Customer accounts are placed on a server with hundreds of other users. Vastspace and many other hosting providers use this business model to offer web hosting services en masse at inexpensive rates.

It is acknowledged that any single account is entitled to utilize the server resources, within reason, up to what is allotted or by what is physically available. If resources become scarce, Vastspace reserves the right to limit users of the affected machine to a lower limit to preserve the effectiveness of the service for all users. If a particular user is in extreme excess of what the average machine users have in use (actually used) of their resource allotments, that customer may be asked to remove content, cut resource usage, or relocate to a dedicated service provider. This policy only applies to websites considered abusive in service, disk space or resource consumption and where it is evident that the “fair use” of resources among customers has been breached, particularly regarding disk space, bandwidth or CPU processing power utilization. Additionally, web sites that are found to contain either/or no html documents, a large number of unlinked files are subject to warning, suspension or cancellation at the sole discretion of Vastspace.

If a “Fair-Use” breach occurs, the determination of which is solely up to Vastspace, the subscriber may have to remove files from or reduce access to the subscriber’s account to an extent as determined by Vastspace to restore full serviceability to other subscribers affected by the breach. In any case, the subscriber will be notified of any actions Vastspace may take.

SPAM and Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE)
Vastspace takes a zero-tolerance approach to sending Unsolicited Commercial Emails (UCE) or spam through our network and services. Customers of Vastspace may not use or permit others to use our network to distribute UCE. Customers of Vastspace may not host or permit the hosting of sites or information advertised by UCE from other networks.

Upon notification of an alleged violation of our SPAM policy, Vastspace will initiate an immediate investigation. During the investigation, Vastspace may restrict customer access to the network to prevent further violations. The subscriber will, after that, be advised of the situation. If a subscriber is found to violate this TOS, Vastspace may, at its sole discretion, unilaterally restrict, suspend or terminate the violating customer’s account. Further, Vastspace reserves the right to pursue civil remedies for any costs of investigating a substantiated policy violation. Vastspace will notify law enforcement officials if the violation is believed to be a criminal offence.

Prohibited Scripts and Applications
Vastspace strictly prohibits using certain scripts such as IRC, Proxy, SSH, Telnet, or any other script that may overwhelm server resources due to the inherent nature of the script itself or a defect in the script’s coding. Suppose a user script violates this clause or is found to be overwhelming system resources. In that case, the user may be requested to remove the script, or in cases of system resource abuse, it may be removed without prior warning and/or the user account may be suspended for further review.

The establishment of this service is dependent upon receipt of payment of stated charges by Vastspace. Subsequent payments are due on the month’s anniversary date for that month’s service or the selected billing cycle.

Failure to Pay
Vastspace may temporarily deny or terminate service upon the subscriber’s failure to pay the charges when due. Such termination or denial will not relieve the subscriber of responsibility for paying all accrued charges and collection fees.

Account Cancellation
A subscriber may cancel his account online via his account control panel. If requesting a cancellation, we ask that the subscriber briefly explain the reasons for doing so and provide any suggestions on how Vastspace could improve service. The cancellation will take effect immediately, and the subscriber’s account will remain active until the end of the subscription.

Subscriber Acknowledgement
Subscriber acknowledges that the service provided is such a nature that the service can be interrupted for many reasons other than the negligence of Vastspace and that damages resulting from any interruption of service are impossible to ascertain. Therefore, the subscriber agrees that Vastspace shall not be liable for any damages arising from such causes beyond the direct and exclusive control of Vastspace. Subscriber further acknowledges that Vastspace’s liability for its negligence may not, in any event, exceed an amount equivalent to charges payable by subscriber for services during the period damages occurred. Shall Vastspace not be liable for any special or consequential damages, loss or injury.

Change of Nameservers
In cases of new hosting accounts or additions/modifications to hosted domain names or any other cases which involve the change of nameservers of a domain from other DNS servers to Vastspace’s DNS servers, there may occasionally be a delay of several days, weeks or longer depending on the accessibility of control options at the respective registrar of the domain name registration. If the registrar (or entity having control over the domain registration) is not cooperative, the domain nameservers cannot be changed at all. Due to the unpredictable nature of the nameserver change process, no guarantees are made regarding the amount of time a specific change may take. On customer request, nameserver change of domain names is done by Vastspace on behalf of the account holder. In such cases, a successful change of nameservers cannot be guaranteed in any way or fashion as it solely depends on the accessibility or cooperation by the domain name registration’s registrar.

Support Boundaries
Some Vastspace services may require a certain level of knowledge in using Internet languages, protocols, and software. You handle other services like penetration tests (Pentest) and pentest mitigation. This level of knowledge varies depending on the anticipated use and desired content of the subscriber’s website or the services to which you subscribe. Basic managed services, known as self-managed or unmanaged services, are limited to server operating system kernel updates, network connectivity, and security patches on its control panel and operating system. VS-PRO assist or refers to fully managed services, including everything in basic managed and not limited to managing 3rd party applications or software depending on its contract agreement, except website content and related.

IP Address Ownership: If Vastspace assigns a subscriber an IP address for use with the subscription, the right to use that IP address shall belong only to Vastspace. The subscriber shall have no right to use that IP address except as permitted by Vastspace. Vastspace shall maintain and control ownership of all IP numbers and addresses that may be assigned to subscribers by Vastspace. Vastspace reserves the right to change or remove all such IP numbers and addresses at its sole and absolute discretion at any time.

Data Transfer and Disk Usage: The subscriber agrees that bandwidth and disk usage shall not exceed the maximum number of megabytes per month for the customer’s subscribed service plan (“Agreed Usage”). Dedicated servers are guaranteed 10 Mbps at all times. Disk Storage is allocated based on units subscribed. Vastspace will monitor the subscriber’s bandwidth and disk usage. Vastspace shall have the right to take corrective action if the subscriber’s bandwidth or disk usage exceeds the Agreed Usage. Such corrective action may include the assessment of additional charges, disconnection or discontinuance of any services, or termination of this Agreement, which actions may be taken in Vastspace’s sole and absolute discretion at any time deemed necessary by Vastspace. If Vastspace takes any corrective action under this section, the subscriber shall be entitled to a pro-rated refund of any fees paid in advance before such action. In any case, the subscriber will be warned of approaching or exceeding resource limits via email by Vastspace’s automated notification system.

System and Network Security: Subscribers or any network users are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate the security of Vastspace’s network or any components therein. Violations of system or network security may result in civil or criminal liability. Vastspace will investigate occurrences that may involve such violations and may involve and cooperate with law enforcement authorities in prosecuting subscribers who are involved in such violations. These violations include, but are not limited to:

  • Accessing data not intended for such subscriber or logging into a server or account which such subscriber is not authorized to access.
  • Attempting to probe, scan, or test a system or network’s vulnerability or breach security or authentication measures without proper authorization.
  • Attempting to interfere with service to any subscriber, host, or network, including, without limitation, overloading, “flooding,” “mailbombing,” or “crashing.”
  • Forging any TCP/IP packet header or any part of the header information in any e-mail or newsgroup posting.
  • Taking any action to obtain services to which the subscriber is not entitled.

Use of Dedicated IPs
Subscriber agrees only to use a dedicated IP address to host registered domain names. Additionally, the domain must either point to Vastspace’s nameservers, or the A record must point to the dedicated IP address assigned to that domain in the control panel. Vastspace reserves the right to switch the assigned dedicated IP address to a shared IP if these qualifications are unmet.

Network Access – SPAM or Denial of Service Complaints
Vastspace reserves the right to drop the section of IP space involved in SPAM or Denial-of-Service complaints if it is clear that the offending activity is causing great harm to parties on the Internet. In particular, if open relays are on your or a customer’s network or denial of service attacks originate from your network. We may have to do this in certain rare cases before contacting the subscriber. Vastspace will contact the subscriber as soon as possible.

Suspension of Service or Cancellation
Vastspace reserves the right to suspend network access to any subscriber if, in the judgment of Vastspace, the subscriber’s account is the source or target of a violation of any of the terms of the TOS or for any other reason that Vastspace deems necessary.

Suppose inappropriate or illegal activity is detected or brought to our attention by a third party. In that case, all accounts of the subscriber in question will be deactivated until our investigation is complete. Multiple violations of the TOS will result in permanent suspension of the account without a refund of any fee. With complaints of infringing or illegal content, a single complaint may be deemed sufficient for permanent suspension of the alleged infringing product. If multiple complaints of infringing or illegal content are received involving two or more products, all products under that customer’s ownership and/or control are subject to permanent suspension. Prior notification to the subscriber is not assured. In extreme cases, law enforcement will be contacted regarding the activity. The subscriber may not be credited for the time the subscriber’s machines were suspended if the subscriber is found to be at fault. The subscriber is also responsible for always maintaining a backup of his current data; no backups will be provided.

Miscellaneous Provisions
Subscribers must provide Vastspace with real and current contact information at all times. E-mail addresses, telephone numbers, and fax numbers are used in the order of preference.

  • Vastspace takes no responsibility for any material placed on its network by others. Vastspace is not responsible for the content of any other websites linked to it. Links to other sites are provided as Internet navigation tools only. Vastspace disclaims any responsibility for any inappropriate use and any liability to any person or party for any other person or party’s violation of this policy.
  • Vastspace’s subscribers are not permitted to run IRC servers.
  • Furthermore, Vastspace reserves the right (but is not obligated) to review the content posted via the service and may refuse or remove any such content at its sole discretion, without notice at any time.

Disclosure to Law Enforcement
The TOS specifically prohibits the use of our service for illegal activities. Therefore, the subscriber agrees that Vastspace may disclose any subscriber information, including assigned IP numbers, account history, account use, etc., to any court or law enforcement agency that requests such information upon receipt of a subpoena, warrant or other legally binding order, without consent or notification to the subscriber.

Each party (the “Indemnifying Party”) hereby indemnifies the other party (the “Indemnified Party”), its officers, directors, employees and agents and agrees to defend and hold them harmless from and against any liability, damage, loss or expense (including reasonable attorney’s fees) arising from any claim, demand, action or proceeding based upon the alleged breach or untruthfulness of any of the Indemnifying Party’s representations or warranties, or incurred in the settlement or avoidance of any such claim, provided, however, that the Indemnified Party shall give prompt notice to the Indemnifying Party of the assertion of any such claims and provided further that Indemnifying Party shall have the right to select counsel and control the defence thereof, subject to the right of the Indemnified Party to participate therein.

If any provision of this TOS is held invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall remain valid and enforceable. Suppose a court finds that any provision of this TOS is invalid or unenforceable but that by limiting such provision, it would become valid and enforceable. In that case, such provision shall be deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so limited.

Applicable Law
This TOS is subject to Singapore’s governing laws. Courts of competent jurisdiction in the Republic of Singapore shall hear and decide any disputes.

Data Integrity
The subscriber is responsible for keeping a complete and current copy of their website files as a backup on a remote system (not solely on Vastspace servers).
Vastspace is NOT RESPONSIBLE for any lost files, information or data.
Vastspace makes regular internal backups of internal system configurations and databases. These backups are NOT intended to keep backups of subscriber websites.
Although Vastspace backups may include subscriber sites and information for disaster recovery purposes, the subscriber does not have to rely on them. Vastspace does not guarantee that its backups contain the most current copy of a subscriber’s website.

Non-Existing User Pages
Vastspace reserves the right to supply content-enriched pages, including but not limited to search engines, advertisements, directory links, etc., for non-existent user pages that Vastspace serves to request sources. These pages include error pages (e.g., 404 Not Found), new account placeholder pages, unused domains, and suspended user sites.
All users of Vastspace services can create their own error and content pages. Unless created by the user, such pages will default to the content provided by Vastspace.

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